Top four brands winning Gold at the Olympics

Canadian athletes and athletes around the world are not the only ones taking home Gold. The following brands have dominated the online track with some great videos. Each video has seen more than one million views and has received thousands of likes.


The Olympics through a mother’s eyes video campaign

Did you know: P&G’s stocks hit its second highest peak in the least 6 months after the video was released.


Move to the beat video campaign

Did you know: the video was released during the first quarter of 2012. Coca-Cola posted revenue of $11.14 billion for the first quarter of 2012, up from $10.55 billion a year ago.


Join our Gold cheer video campaign

Did you know: During VISA’s fiscal third quarter 2012, during which this video campaign ran, service revenues were $1.2 billion, an increase of 15% versus the prior year.


Power through video campaign

Did you know: This video was posted right at the end of the second fiscal quarter. POWERADE once again grew double-digits in their third quarter.

The numbers I chose to highlight could all be just coincident… or not. Choose to believe what you want to believe, but timely video campaigns integrated in to your overall business and communications plan can pay off.

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