Young PR Pros: Episode #21 – Who to follow with @recruiterjax

our who to follow star jacqueline gallagher
This week, Kristine Simpson and Julia Kent debut a new series called “Who to Follow” where they showcase someone on Twitter that is follow worthy for young PR professionals.

Our first star is Jacqueline Gallagher, a senior recruitment consultant at David Aplin Group in Halifax Nova Scotia. Her job is to find top talent in the areas of accounting and finance and executive search. If anyone knows anything about the recruitment process, it is Jacqueline.

Jacqueline is also the creator of the hashtags: #interviewtip, #recruitertip and #resumetip. These hashtags are full of great advice for the young and young at heart pros in the process of finding a new job.

You can follow Jacqueline and all her hashtags at @RecruiterJax.

Thanks Jacqueline for being so awesome.

Do you want to nominate someone to be profiled on our new “Who to Follow” series? Leave us a comment below or on our Facebook Page, or on our Google+ page, or in our LinkedIn group, or send us an email at, or send us a message on Twitter @youngprpros@kristinesimpson or @kentjulia.

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