Young PR Pros: Episode #102 – And We are Back, with Tips for Entrepreneurs

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Young PR Pros is back from its long break. Where were we you might ask? Kristine D’Arbelles, founder and co-host of Young PR Pros, has been off having an amazing adventure. The adventure of motherhood. Kristine gave birth to a beautiful boy late May.

We jump right back into the swing of things, with an episode jammed packed with great advice for entrepreneurs. We invite Ross Simmonds back for his third episode as guest host to share his experience as an entrepreneur and offer advice for young professionals looking to follow that path. Ross is a communications and marketing strategist and entrepreneur. You might know him as @theCoolestCool on Twitter.

While reading an article in the International Association of Business Communicator’s magazine, Communication World, Kristine has noticed a trend in the millennial generation – more and more of her friends are option for the consultant root and gaining experience before getting permanent jobs. This new trend might stem from en employer’s need to see real experience on a young professional’s resume. For those of you jumping into the world of consulting, read and listen on.

We start with Ross, an entrepreneur himself, who had this to say about entrepreneurship:

  • It is the best thing for your career and will make your resume stand out.
  • Technology has made consulting easy – build a worldwide clientele.
  • Build up a reputation for yourself – build your brand through social media and blogging. You don’t need to be an expert, just be out there.

Julia Kent consulted for a year at the beginning of her career and said:

  • Companies nowadays – mostly non-profits and small businesses – don’t have big budgets and look for freelancers and consultants all the time.
  • Find work through networking, RFPs or job boards.

Listen to the full episode and then share your opinion.

Are you an entrepreneur? How did you make the leap of faith?

Share your opinions by writing a comment below, or on our Facebook Page, or on our Google+ page, or send us an email at, or send us a message on Twitter @youngprpros@kristinedarbell, or @kentjulia.

Do you have plans this summer? Don’t forget to visit and catch up on old episodes. Go back to class September with fresh new ideas and succeed in your career.

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