I know it is not thanksgiving, but here are my top 10 things I am thankful for

I recently read a post on Eric Collard’s blog about his top ten things he is grateful for. Inspired I commented on the blog agreeing with his entire list. He then replied and asked me to share my top ten things I Continue reading I know it is not thanksgiving, but here are my top 10 things I am thankful for

A day to celebrate the spirit of a women runner

Last weekend I participated in the Emilie’s Run – The Emilie Mondor Memorial 5K Race for Women. Emilie was from a small town in Quebec and loved everything sports related. In 2003, she became known on the international scene with Continue reading A day to celebrate the spirit of a women runner

I am an award winner

On June 8, 2011, communicators, marketers, public relations professionals and business professionals got together to award those in the Ottawa communications and creative design community. The International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Ottawa chapter hosted the 2011 Excel Awards program Continue reading I am an award winner