Young PR Pros: Episode #65 – Tips for Public Speaking

presentation tips
This week, Kristine Simpson and Julia Kent talk about Gini Dietrich’s blog post about Six Tips for Better Public Speaking.

Julia starts with her pet peeve: death by PowerPoint. Julia stresses the importance of less text and more images on your slides. Kristine shares her advice that each slide should represent one idea. She encourages professionals to look at their presentation and figure out what the main messages, or the key take-aways. Then make sure to have a slide per take-away. It is okay to have only three slides for a 45-minute presentation.

And, when thinking of take-aways, Gini Dietrich encourages professionals to think in tweets when they present. Julia says she still remembers key take-aways from Gini’s presentation about Marketing in the Round because her messages were clear and concise.

And finally, Kristine and Julia discussed the importance of a title and a good description for young or young at heart professionals doing presentations at events or conferences.

What are your tips for the perfect presentation? What do you do to prepare for a presentation?

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One Reply to “Young PR Pros: Episode #65 – Tips for Public Speaking”

  1. Thanks girls…these gave me great tips and advise on how to prepare myself for my upcoming speech at #KSandADWedding

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