Do you ever get a random connection request on LinkedIn? From someone you have never heard or? Or perhaps it someone you don’t remember meeting? Are you the type of person who just hits accept, or are you more guarded with your LinkedIn network?
Young PR Pros’ good friend William Johnson, Mr. @socialeccentric on Twitter, recently wrote an article in Career Options Magazine about what to do with LinkedIn requests from people you’ve never met.
Kristine Simpson and Julia Kent discuss the subject and give their experience with adding the unknown LinkedIn connections.
We also discuss the difference between a valuable online network versus a large empty network.
But we want to hear about your experiences. What do you do when you get an unknown LinkedIn connection? Post your comment below or on our Facebook Page, or on our Google+ page, or in our LinkedIn group, or on Pinterest, or send us an email at youngprpros@gmail.com, or send us a message on Twitter @youngprpros, @kristinesimpson or @kentjulia.