Young PR Pros: Turkey hangover

This past weekend was the Canadian Thanksgiving, which left our hosts Kristine Simpson and Julia Kent with a turkey hangover.

With some travelling here, family diners there, Kristine and Julia did not get the chance to record an episode this week.

But, fear not! Young PR Pros has a whole bunch of excellent episodes you can listen to. If you have followed us since the beginning and have listen to all the episodes, we think you are awesome and deserve a gold star. If you send us your name, we will make you a star on our Facebook page.

Kristine and Julia thought they would share their favourite episodes with you, so enjoy the trip down memory lane:

Kristine’s favourite episodes

Episode #18 – Gini Dietrich gives her advice for the young PR pro: As you may know, I kind of light up every time I talk about Gini. She is such an intelligent and inspirational woman. In this episode she gives some solid advice to young pros.

Episode #20 – Asking questions: Don’t underestimate the power of a question. Assuming something can lead you down the wrong path an cause a PR disaster for both your personal brand and your organizations brand. Asking questions makes you seem engaged and interested in what you do. As one very intelligent mentor of mine once said: the smartest person in the room is the person who asked the most questions.

Julia’s favourite episodes

Episode #15 – How to leave: I think this subject is often overlooked. Most people – especially young PR pros – just check out as soon as they accept another job. It’s so important to remember that how you leave is the lasting impression you will have on your coworkers and superiors. It’s just as important as the time you spent at the company.

Episode 19# – Handshakes and PR ethics: I am still vehemently in favour of solid, confident handshakes! When I meet you, I want to feel that you’re trustworthy, approachable and above all, sincere. A good handshakes says a lot about a person (in my opinion).

We would love to hear from you. Do you have an idea for a show? Leave us a comment below or on our Facebook Page, or on our Google+ page, or in our LinkedIn group, or send us an email at, or send us a message on Twitter @youngprpros@kristinesimpson or @kentjulia.

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