Young PR Pros: Episode #5 – Blogging for the young pro

This week Kristine Simpson is joined by two wonderful guest hosts, Julia Kent and Molli Megasko. They start off by discussing a unique internship program at Maverick PR and wishes Heather Leigh, an Algonquin College student, good luck in Continue reading Young PR Pros: Episode #5 – Blogging for the young pro

PR Word of the Week #32: Key message

A very wise friend of mine gave great advice during last week’s Young PR Pros episode. Molli Megasko, co-host of Young PR Pros, shared the best advice she had ever recieved by her mother: be an actor. In other words, Continue reading PR Word of the Week #32: Key message

Young PR Pros: Episode #4

This week on Young PR Pros, Kristine Simpson and her guest host Julia Kent in Ottawa discuss the best advice they have ever received. Julia’s father, Paul Kent told her to meet new people and build a professional network. Kristine’s mentor Stephen Heckbert Continue reading Young PR Pros: Episode #4

PR Word of the Week #31: Pinterest

With over 10.4 million users on Pinterest, I guess it is about time I start blogging about it. Pinterest (pin-t(ə)rist) noun The Pinterest website defines the social networking tool as: Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things Continue reading PR Word of the Week #31: Pinterest

Young PR Pros: Episode #2

Kristine Simpson is joined by guest host Julia Kent from Ottawa and Molli Megasko from New York to talk about the dos and don’ts in applying for a job in public relations and communications. Kristine thinks it is important Continue reading Young PR Pros: Episode #2

PR Word of the Week #30: Accreditation

ABC beside a person’s name does not mean they are certified to sing the alphabet. On the contrary, it means they are accredited PR or communications professionals with the International Association of Business Communicators. There are various accredited titles you Continue reading PR Word of the Week #30: Accreditation

PR Word of the Week #29: Socialnomics

We all know the social media wave is here to stay. As a company you either learn to swim or drown. The big change lately is social media ROI. Businesses across the world rack their brain with methods on measuring Continue reading PR Word of the Week #29: Socialnomics